After Miracle left me, my cousin loaned me his frequent flyer miles and bought me a plane ticket to Florida to be with my family for two weeks. At the same time a rescue friend in IA was telling me about a litter of pups he had, and wanted to give me one for Miracle. A PUPPY?? HELL NO!!! But the photos had me at go. And, another rescue friend offered to pick the pup up and transport it to me, she said it was meant to be, my destiny...
And she is!!! My Destiny JoAnna, born Jan 8, 2016. A puppy, heaven forbid... Meantime, I was out of a job, and thankfully, had time to be with a puppy for awhile.
So many things have happened since I was here last. But, as always, its typically about dogs. My rescue carried on thanks to Terri Roehrig & many wonderful GSP loving volunteers. I am so very proud of them.
I will always be an animal advocate, and my fight to save animals at The Trixie Foundation in Kentucky is still active, 15 years after the fight began, and his lawsuit against us. We are ALMOST there!! For info and updates on this, follow this link:
I have lost many relatives, class mates, friends since we last touched base. I am out of work again, struggling to survive. And I WILL!!! One little puppy (Des) will make sure of that. Stay tuned...