Got slobber? |
Nothing more then I hate, but a runner. It's the first speech I give wanna be volunteers and adopters. This dog will run. Don't blink...don't help them by setting them up for a run, cuz a pointer will take any opportunity to go for it! Which is exacly how last night went. Louie is sitting in a foster home, the foster pulls in her drive way, opens garage door and dogs come running out? Course, her dog comes right back, but not ours. And he's gone. I'm sure she spent 1/2 the night looking in pitch black for him to no avail. And I keep asking does he have our blaze orange id tagged collar on? First I hear yes, thinking OK, he's got ID on, all he has to do is go to someone. Then this AM when he's still not back, I ask again, and this time was told the collar didn't fit him right, so tags were switched to his original blue collar? (And infact, look at the photo of him here, do you see ANY tags hanging off that collar? I sure don't, hmmm) But when am I not getting any phone calls, if the tag is on the dog? There's only one reason...and that is the dog hasn't "given it up" yet. Which is really odd. So I asked yet a third time, find out our ID is
not on the dog at all, well then how the hell will someone know to call me? They won't. So I moved into immediate action, calling his former vet, to get faxed his rabies certificate...and I got that, then we discover the dog IS sitting in our local dog pound. So I call to fax them vaccination info, and claim the dog as rescues...and I'm told there will be bail! Hello? That will be $85- please. Ridiculous! Do you know how many dogs we pull from that shelter a year? And they can't waive that fee? Hmmm, I think we maybe not help them so fast in the future...or maybe charge
them for us to take a dog? We are not made of money you know. URGH. So then the foster home doesn't want him back, because he clawed her kitchen door (I'm told, and have no doubts about), why wasn't he crated? Secondly, cuz she says "I don't need this right now". hmmmm. Do I look like I gotta brand on my forehead that says I should drop everything cuz I DO? But it comes back to this....RESPONSIBILITY. I take the responsiblity, cuz no one else will. And there is reason number one, why I no longer have a normal life. My life revolves around dogs. So you know where I will be tonight, making sure Louie doesn't jump my fence and take off, or it will be another $85- I think I introduce him to Mr. Electric Training Collar first thing. tehe.
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