What don't folks understand about NO?
Today's email:
I have attached photos of Ivy. As you can see, she is 100% pure GSP. Unlike many of your dogs listed on your website, this GSP is full blood and purebred. Most of the dogs you have posted are obviously not. If you're a real GSP rescue, I question why you'd post photos of mutts.
As I stated in my earlier email, I am giving my situation until mid-March to be corrected with Ivy. I also have a 10 year old lab I rescued that has major storm phobia issues, so I cannot afford to have 2 problem dogs.
I am extremely confident that if Ivy had a home with a family and kids, she could break her cycle stemming from extreme separation anxiety from me. She is so bonded to me that I question whether I can obtain the desired behavior result. But if she was in a family environment, she may do much better.
HOW DARE HE? "Unlike many of your dogs listed on your website...If you're a real GSP rescue, I question why you'd post photos of mutts"
Now why on earth would he try to get my attention by throwing this is my face? I tell you why, because he wants my FULL attention, he wants control of the situation, and he wants me to drop everything to save his ass! Pardon me while I go BLOW! Like a broken record, I say, my first priority are to purebred GSPs in Wisconsin's kill shelters...his problem is not my problem. Like a broken record, I read and re-read his email, the dog has seperation issues, potties behind his back, he thinks she would be better living in an outdoor kennel? And in the next breath " if Ivy had a home with a family and kids"....but who the hell contacts me for an old, broken dog? Not very many. Guys that want hunters, as he brags she is, don't want an older dog, they want a puppy, or young dog. I refuse to allow an outdoor kennel life for any dog...so best I can do is "put it out there" and see if anyone bites. But it's stuff like this, that makes me just want to scream! And it's very rarely the dogs fault. Ashame....simply ashame.
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